image from https://images.app.goo.gl/n8mxqiwqVPg4Tiqj6
As Yi Yan suggested, we briefly introduce the learning outcomes and theories in the “overview” section. In the section of “rationale of learning theories”, our peers are confused with constructivism. After discussion, our group thinks this interactive learning resource is only based on behaviorism, so we edit this part and hope it will no longer be confusing. According to many peers’ recommendations, we edit a lot on the section of “activities and outcomes”. We introduce three learning outcomes and interactive activities, and explain it more detailedly. To ensure students having better learning outcomes, the modified plan of activities combines all three types of interactions. On the other hand, we accept Millie’s suggestion and create a separate section to illustrate the learning outcomes. From Wei’s suggestions, we indicate that students could discuss with the instructor through e-mail or during office hours. And we will record students’ performance for reviewing and grading. Furthermore, we agree with Yi Yan’s recommendation and will also give feedback on students’ summary.
However, there are some suggestions we do not adopt. Firstly, we do not add a brief discussion of inclusive design in the section of “learning context” because we think it is better to be mentioned in the “overview” section. Secondly, although the activities we designed have to use computers, students who only have mobile phones with data plans could also access these technology tools on their phones. Maybe we do not explain the inclusive design clearly, so we have modified it and made it more clearly now. Overall, we appreciate our peers for the recommendations. All of these are very helpful for improvement of the learning resource.
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