image from https://images.app.goo.gl/YoE6uFbQiK3Z6yj96
- Learning outcomes of each activity could be explained more detailed in a separate section.
- Could introduce more interactive activities, (ie. assign some videos to students to watch and then discuss it in the online forum).
- Explain more on constructivism.
- Briefly discuss the inclusive design in the section of “Learning Context”.
- Suggest to have more interactions between the instructor and students.
- Explain how the students will present the drama.
- Explain how the instructor will solve the difficulties that students might encounter.
- Could use video to record students’ performance.
- Give more detail of constructivism.
- Cannot guarantee that the instructor is able to give feedback immediately on the online discussion forum.
- More activities needed.
- Many activities require access to the internet and computers, which is less convenient for students who do not have computers at home.
- Different kinds of media could be included.
- Include a short summary of activities, learning outcomes and learning theories in the “Overview” section.
- The overall plan does not present constructivism which has been mentioned in the section of learning theory, academic research needs to be provided to prove the learning theory.
- Should introduce three activities in the plan.
- Discuss the activities and process in detail, and indicate how the learning outcomes will be met.
- At the end of activity 2, the instructor could also give feedback on students’ summary.
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